They headed towards Fire Mountain, where the ruins were supposed to be near the base. They treked until nightfall and slept in the hidden dry cellar of a long ruined dwarven tower. They heard noises during the night but did not go outside.
In the morning they found tracks near the tower. They pressed on towards the mountain and saw a strange cone shaped clearing. Seeming suspicious, they found a few kobolds guarding the pass who seemed to be awaiting to ambush them. They moved on and found the walled monastery.

They went inside to investigate, finding a wyvern's nest in one of the towers. They searched a few rooms and there was still some lingering dwarven magic which they managed to make safer by inserting a gem they got from the bard Salamander.
They triggered a kobold trap that alerted them, and defeated the kobolds.
It is clear that perilous dangers await them further in as they search for Drunigar or what remains of him.