The party met with Drunigar who said that he thought the kobolds had found an ancient relic of the dwarves - an item of powerful evil magic. According to his research, the dwarves had a period of strife and good dwarves loyal to Torag battled with dwarves who worshipped the evil god Droskar. The evil dwarves made an object - a crown - that must have been found by the kobolds as they were more powerful, organized, and bloodthirsty than normal. He thought that answers must be at the mountain if the party was brave enough to return!

Druingar said the monastery on the western slope was likely one way in, but there were more entrances he had heard of. A half dozen tales of adventurers entering through a southern archway were documented. The part tried this route.
Using their boat, the camped overnight in the forest, and then found the dwarven archway.

There were signs that others had found this path as well. The golden key opened a sliding door. The party fought kobolds and saw a recent human captive that had been strangely killed - Ferret - a known troublemaker from town. What evil power was at work here?